Indigenous Missionary Support

This is your opportunity to support and empower indigenous missionary pastors serving among the unreached ….

…. people who have never heard the name ‘Jesus’ or His Good News.

Supporting these pastors is the most foundational component of our work in India. They are the ones who lead the charge in sharing the Gospel, making disciples and planting churches. So step one in church planting is supporting and empowering these dedicated men. And, church planting is fundamentally what we are about.

CTC facilitates the support of these pastors by giving people like you the opportunity to sponsor them and provide them a modest monthly income while helping them grow their churches and become self-sufficient.

Learn how you can sponsor a pastor and his family. We provide additional opportunities for you to help empower them by providing funds for training, ministry supplies and equipment, and special needs. In addition, through generous Great Commission minded people like you, we provide them:

Why do we support indigenous missionaries rather than sending missionaries?

…. Because people are understandably more receptive to those who look like them, talk like them (have the same mother tongue), and think like them (share the same cultural background).

And, it saves an enormous amount of time and money not having to teach them the language or the culture. Not only that, they can be supported for a tiny fraction of the cost of training and sending a missionary from here.

…. Because these people need missionaries the most and it is extremely hard to break through to them. Their pagan religions have been an integral part of their culture for thousands of years.

.… Because an embarrassingly negligible amount of our resources are being used among the unreached. Did you know that only 0.3% of all missional and financial support is being directed to reach the unreached? <span title=”Todd M. Johnson and Kenneth R. Ross, Atlas of Global Christianity, 1910–2010, Christian Finance, page 296″>Not even 1%</span>

Wonder what ratio God wants? Doesn’t it make sense that He would want the ratio reversed, or at least the majority of our work focused on the unreached? Jesus said in Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone” NLT.  It makes no sense to keep repeating the same message to people who have been told the gospel many times over when there are unreached people groups where nearly all their people have never heard it once! Would the Coca-Cola Company spend 99.7% of its advertising dollars aimed at a market that they have saturated with ads in the past, and where a large percentage of the population already drinks coke? Wouldn’t they rather make the largest portion of the marketing expenditures to reach vast, untapped markets? If Coca-Cola wouldn’t do it, why are we???  Help us to begin rectifying this problem.

.… Because the first missionary to the gentiles, the Apostle Paul, clearly demonstrated and modeled the need. In Romans 10:10b-15 the apostle Paul presents a very simple yet compelling argument for sending missionary pastors to the unreached ….

…. for “Whoever will call upon the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent?


Clearly the apostle Paul is talking about unreached peoples and challenging us with a clear mandate to send pastors to preach to them so they can hear, believe, call on the Lord and be saved.

In Romans 15:20-22 Paul shows us his priority (and ours) in his mission work – working among the unreached – establishing churches then moving to the next area where there are no churches ….

…. “My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.  I have been following the plan spoken of in the Scriptures, where it says, ‘Those who have never been told about him will see, and those who have never heard of him will understand.’ (Isaiah 52:15) In fact, my visit to you has been delayed so long because I have been preaching in those places.” NLT

Do we need any more compelling reasons???

I want to learn more about sponsoring a missionary pastor.

I want to learn more about our Pastor/Leader Training & Special Needs Fund.