Become a Great Harvest Partner …
… by helping support Completing The Call Many people, making even the smallest of donations, enable CTC to empower harvest workers to take the Gospel to the unreached.
We are not funded or endowed by any group or denomination. Our Great Harvest Partners are the people and churches that provide the funds necessary for our ministry to exist and function. They make it possible for us to engage large numbers of harvest workers by providing an array of opportunities for churches and individuals here at home. Opportunities to participate directly and relationally in Great Commission work among unreached peoples. Opportunities that empower pastors and churches in India to make disciples and plant reproducing churches.
Monthly support is particularly crucial. Monthly support from our Great Harvest Partners the gives us stability and the confidence to know we can meet our routine commitments.
One-time gifts are also very important. They provide the funds to purchase needed equipment and supplies that may not be covered in our operating budget.
No gift is too small. Remember the widow’s mite? God doesn’t look at the size of the gift but the size of the sacrifice. So we welcome and appreciate gifts of any size and God will bless you in proportion to your sacrifice. We believe it is better to have a lot of small monthly supporters than only a few large ones.
So we encourage you to consider joining us based on your ability and the Lord’s leading.
We are dedicated to being good stewards of your resources. We are financially accountable to our board of directors and make our annual financial statements and IRS filings available to our partners upon request.
we request that you: our commitment to you as a Great Harvest Partner is to: Our Request ... Our commitment
If you would like to directly support CTC with a one time or monthly donation: Click here to let us know so we can get you started!