You can help with our KGM Pastors’ special needs and training by making a one-time or monthly donation ….
These gifts are used only for special needs of the pastors and their families, and pastors-in-training. Your donations are placed in our “KGM Pastors’/Leader’s Special Needs Designated Fund” which is used for things such as:
- personal equipment needs such as computers and cameras
- training costs and expenses
- home construction and repairs
- vehicles (motorcycles & micro-mini vans)
- medical emergencies and other unanticipated emergencies
A portion of these funds is made available to KGM’s Director to be used at his discretion for items of a routine nature. Other expenditures require the approval of CTC’s director. If you are considering contributing to this fund please read:
We Request that you: Our Commitment to you is to:Our Request .... Our Commitment