Intersessory Prayer


…. use your gift of prayer to help complete the call – to finish the task Jesus began!

At Completing The Call we rely more on the prayers of our prayer partners more than anything else. The prayers of our faithful prayer warriors keep us connected to The Source – the source of our wisdom, strength, discernment and resources. Without that continual connection to the Lord nothing else matters and we cannot expect much, if anything, to happen.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to make a significant contribution to getting the Good News to the unreached (those who have never heard it); to completing the mission that Jesus started and commanded us all to participate in – getting the Good News to every last soul (Mark 16:15); and to being His witness to the ‘uttermost parts’ (Acts 1:8). In that verse God did not intend for the list of three areas (Jerusalem, Judea & Samaria, and the ends of the earth) to be a multiple choice for us. If He had he would have added a ‘d’ which would have been the correct answer: ‘all of the above’. In other words the Lord commands us to be witnesses to everyone, everywhere, all the time! This is your opportunity to individually obedient in being a witness to the ‘ends of the earth’.

CTC Prayer Partners are committed to staying abreast of, and praying at least weekly for the people, the needs and the activities of Karnataka Gospel Mission and CTC what is happening with CTC and praying for:

  • God to raise up more harvest workers – churches, church groups, businesses, individuals and families
  • the vast number of unreached people in Karnataka and India
  • the people, the needs and the activities of Karnataka Gospel Mission and CTC

If you are led to become one of our prayer partners we will keep you abreast of all activities and events by routine and timely reporting to you through our web site, blogs and email. We will give you names, pictures and description of places so you can pray very specifically, and so this ministry will be personal and relational.

I want to become a CTC/KGM intercessor prayer partner click here to send us your information so we can call and help you get started.