Becoming a Church Planting Partner
… partner with and indigenous church to assist them plant churches in India
Here’s a hands-on opportunity for your church, regardless of your size, to make a huge impact in breaking through the spiritual darkness among the unreached.
“Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest Is a faithful messenger to those who send him, For he refreshes the soul of his masters” Proverbs 25:13 (emphasis added)
Church planting is the core of our strategy to reach the 300 unreached people groups in the state of Karnataka and its 70 million people.
Church planting involves …
… starting new churches in villages that have no evangelical Christian churches,
… helping them grow to maturity,
… then helping them plant new churches that continue to reproduce.
When new churches within a people group mature and begin planting churches themselves a church planting movement has begun that can multiply and permeate that people group. The goal is a self-sustaining church planting movement that requires little if any outside support and multiplies exponentially. Once that is achieved it won’t be long until the end goal is reached – that every person in that people group has heard the gospel.
Completing The Call supports Karnataka Gospel Mission in its church planting mission by recruiting, training, and assisting U.S. churches like yours to partner with their churches. Churches who will help them grow and plant more reproducing churches by providing critically needed financial and prayer support, guidance and encouragement.
This is a great opportunity for your church, organization or group to have your own mission ministry in India, where over 1.2 billion people (nearly 20% of the world’s population) are unsaved, and most have not even heard the Gospel.
You’ll be using your hands (your church members), working from your home (right here at your church and your members’ homes). You will also be able to offer your members a variety of different ways they can personally participate on your team – in areas where their passions lie and where they can engage their individual interests and giftedness.
Your work will be personal, relational and highly rewarding. And it requires a relatively small financial commitment when considered as a percentage of your budget.
If your church or organization becomes a CTC church planting partner you will be making a major contribution toward finishing the task Jesus started, and which He has called on us to complete – evangelizing the world. You’ll be fulfilling our Great Commission mandate where it is needed the most – among some of the unreached peoples of the world. You’ll be COMPLETING THE CALL.
Here’s where you can learn what is involved in becoming a Church Planting Partner