You can Sponsor a child for only $60/month
… that’s only $2 a day!
“Truly I say to you, to the extent that you do it to one of the least of these, you did it to Me.”
Sponsoring a child in India in helps insure that your sponsored child receives daily meals, an education, medical care, biblical teaching and training, and the love of Christ.
Your $60/month support covers all their basic living expenses – food, clothing, school and medical expenses.
These children come from impoverished environments that give them little to be encouraged about, and few to encourage them. With your support we can give them give them the encouragement they so desperately need.
This is an especially great opportunity for families, and children’s Sunday school classes and groups. When you sign up to sponsor a child we make a commitment to you and ask that you make a commitment to your child. If you are considering sponsoring a child please read:
When you sponsor a child we ask you to:
- commit to providing your financial support for at least twelve months
- sign up for our email list so we can keep you abreast of ministry activities and needs
- pray regularly for your sponsored child and for the children’s home directors and staff
- Contact us if we can help you in any way with your ministry
We will:
- provide you with a picture and information about the child you’ll be sponsoring
- provide you periodic written and pictorial updates on how your child is doing
- regularly provide news and pictures about the children’s homes and the children through our blog and email newsletters,
- give you the opportunity to go on mission trips with us so you can meet your child in person; see the children’s home; meet those who care for these children; and see and learn about the mission field in Karnataka and India first hand!
I/we would like to sponsor a child: Click here to get you started!
Here’s where you can learn more about KGM’s children’s ministry, its history, and the children