Archive | February, 2019

Moved by the Holy Spirit, a young lady and her mother use their Christmas to provide a gift that keeps on giving!

Moved by the Holy Spirit, a young lady and her mother use their Christmas funds to provide a gift that keeps on giving! A young lady who works with Serving Orphans Wordwide (SOW) that provides a large portion of the monthly budget for our Good Samaritan Children’s Home (GSCH) came to Byndoor last year and […]

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Partners passionate for our Missionaries on Wheels Initiative strikes again!!

Partner team passionate for our Missionaries on Wheels Initiative strikes again!! Two of our long-term partners, a husband and wife, have a passion for putting wheels under our KGM pastors and missionaries so they can take the Good News to villages all over the areas surrounding their home villages.  This couple provided two motorcycles last […]

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